21 DAY 


Refresh program

Rediscover Your Radiance with Our 21-Day Hormone and Gut Reset.  Boost Your Energy, Elevate Your Mood, and Embrace Body Confidence

Registration Closes:

May 10th @ Midnight

Program Start Date:

Thursday, May 11th

Introducing the:

"Hormone+Gut Refresh Program"

Our exclusive 21-day online program designed specifically for women who are ready to transform their hormonal and gut health using holistic methods and remedies.


  • 100% online program tailored to fit your busy lifestyle

  • Weekly LIVE zoom calls with our holistic practitioner, covering everything you didn’t know about hormone and gut health

  • Weekly lessons and cheat sheets on the vital 

  • Aspects of hormonal and gut health

  • Learn how food, toxins, stress, and environment affect your wellbeing

  • Rebuild your relationship with food and your body, supported by a team of holistic professionals

"My most valuable experience has been making progress on my gut health and seeing my size decrease. Learning about organic foods, toxins, gut health in general. Was wearing size 10, now size 6. The knowledge and awareness is priceless and this community lifts up and motivates" 

- Kelly Sherman 

"1 have lost 26 pounds since starting this program. I have no more brain fog or joint pain. I have identified gut and hormone imbalances and am working to rebalance all of that. I knew dairy was an issue for me before, but this program has helped me stick with eliminating it and finding delicious alternatives. I now eat to fuel my body and am aware of how different foods make me feel. Healing my body from the inside out and loving it!"

Chariss Femino

"Losing over 10 lbs was a bonus, but the invaluable information about toxins, inflammation, gut health and portion control was exactly what I needed to get my health back on track! Feeling so much better & learning what serves my body & what doesn't, using my intuitive thinking to replace bad habits, it's such a great program for anyone and it's never too late to work on YOU!" #KillTheDiet

Tracy Boersema-Hickey

"To say my gut was in BAD shape was an understatement. I decided to reach out to Briana Owen to work one-on-one with her and that was one of the best decisions I have ever made. My symptoms clearly showed that there was a gut bacterial imbalance situation going on, and after doing hormone testing, it turns out that I was also dealing with a hormonal imbalance.

Since starting to work one-on-one with Bri, the majority of the symptoms that I was experiencing have either decreased significantly or gone away completely. It's taken commitment and consistency, and with each day that passes, I am feeling more like myself again."

- Gina Ramirez

In the first month, participants experience:
















As Seen On


Briana Owen | IHP

Holistic Health & Nutrition Specialist, Integrative Health Practitioner specializing in holistic nutrition, gut health, food sensitivities and hormone imbalances.

Will Armijo | Founder

Founder and creator of the Nrïsh program.  20 years of nutrition and exercise experience.  Intuitive eating specialist and "Killer of Diets"


Join our Women Only 21-day Hormone & Gut Refresh Program today for just $97! 

Embark on a life-changing journey towards better hormone and gut health. 

Registration Closes:

May 10th @ Midnight

Program Start Date:

Thursday,May 11th


Is there anything I need to prepare or do before the program starts?

Short answer is Nope! Once you sign up, there’s nothing you need to do in order to start the program. The first four days of the program we will provide you with everything you need to start. During this time, we will go over everything you need to know in order to set you up for success.

Will I have to purchase supplements to follow the program? 

Absolutely not! During the program, there may be times we suggest or speak about supplements that can help you achieve your overall goal or target a specific issue you may be experiencing, but we will never require or pressure you into purchasing any products…ever!

Can I do the program if I have dietary restrictions? 

Most definitely! The food list we provide you with has a large range of foods on it that will support your hormone and gut health. It will be inclusive of both animal and plant based foods and you will be able to pick and choose what you eat.

Does Nrish provide any medical advice?

We do not provide medical advice of any kind. The purpose of our program is to educate you so you can be empowered to optimize your internal health through nutrition, movement, and psychological science.